Wednesday, December 26, 2012

6 Twitter Analytics Tools to Improve Your Marketing

social media toolsDo you know if your Twitter marketing is working?

Monitoring and analyzing your Twitter projects can be challenging.

With the right metrics, you can improve and tailor your Twitter campaigns for better results.

Luckily, third-party Twitter tools provide these metrics, but there are MANY tools to choose from out there.

So here I’ll share some of the best Twitter analytics tools to help you improve your Twitter marketing.

#1: SocialBro: Explore Your Community

I consider SocialBro one of the top three most effective marketing tools for businesses.

SocialBro comes with excellent analytics that give great insights not only about your marketing campaign, but also about your Twitter account and followers.

Here are the analytics tools available with SocialBro.

Real-time Analytics

Real-time Analytics gives you details of the people who are active users and have tweeted in the last 10 minutes in real time. This helps you determine the specific hour of the day when people are active.

It’s a quick way to know when you should be tweeting. This is more relevant than depending on studies done by others, because it’s tailored specifically for you and your Twitter community.

socialbro real time analytics

SocialBro's Real-time Analytics allows you to find the number of active users at a particular time.

Insights About Your Account

You’re able to get insights about your own Twitter account, as well as your followers.

You can see:

  • Number of followers you have
  • Number of followers who have not followed you back
  • Number of people you haven’t followed back
  • In which language your followers are tweeting
  • Time zone of your followers
  • Where your followers are from
  • Number of followers your followers have
  • How frequently your followers go online
  • Number of tweets your followers have sent
socialbro insights

SocialBro analytics give you insights about your Twitter account.

You can use this additional data to improve your Twitter marketing. You’ll have better insights about your followers, which means you can tailor your Twitter content to be more relevant to your community.

For example, if you find that your followers are mostly from the Asia-Pacific region, you should design your campaign to broadcast according to their time zone.

socialbro time zone

By using SocialBro analytics, you'll be able to get insights about your followers such as their time zones.

#2: TweetReach: Determine How Far Your Tweets Travel

TweetReach helps you determine the reach of your tweets. All you have to do is insert the URL of your blog or any post and you’ll get information regarding the post.

Here’s an example of a search for one of my recent articles on Social Media Examiner.

tweetreach report

TweetReach analyzes a URL and gives you detailed data of the URL.

This is the data you get:

  • The tweet’s or URL’s reach
  • How much exposure the URL received
  • How many times it was retweeted on a particular day
  • Top contributors who shared a particular URL
  • User with the most retweets
  • A list of 50 contributors of a particular URL
tweetreach top contributor

TweetReach's data of the top contributors or the most retweets.

With the last three data points, not only do you get insights about influential users who have shared your article, but you also get a list of the top 50 people who shared your post or tweet.

tweetreach top 50

List of the top contributors who shared a particular URL or tweet.

You can do a variety of things with this information, such as add these influential users to a list and continue to build relationships with them, and thank them for sharing your tweets and more. TweetReach gives you the data you need to build a targeted network of people who share the same interests as you.

Alternatively, if you’re looking to build relationships with users or customers, you can do a little bit more research and use this tool to find relevant and targeted users.

#3: Buffer: Schedule Your Content

Not only is Buffer the best way to schedule your tweets without spending much time, but it also comes with a simple, straightforward analytics tool to help you determine how effective your tweets are.

Buffer provides you data such as:

  • The number of clicks you receive
  • How many people retweet your tweet
  • How many people favorite your tweet
  • A list of people who retweet and favorite your tweet with their username and the number of followers they have
buffer analytics

Buffer's platform comes with built-in analytics that can help you improve your Twitter marketing.

This helps you to find out how effective your tweets are and the best time you should be tweeting. Additionally, you can quickly thank your followers from Buffer’s platform.

#4: TwentyFeet: Track Your Social Media Stats

TwentyFeet is a simple, straightforward tool to use. It doesn’t require any time beyond signing up to get some insights into your Twitter account. Once you have registered on the site, it provides you with metrics such as:

  • Twitter account’s follower growth
  • Amount of mentions you received
  • Amount of retweets you received
  • Amount of tweets in a day
  • Retweets given in a day
  • Replies given in a day

My favorite insight from this tool is the influence indicator, where you can get insights on the number of mentions and retweets you have in a particular day.

twentyfeet metrics

TwentyFeet's metrics on mentions and retweets received in a particular week.

As you can see here, the number of retweets I received on November 26 was higher compared to other days. With this data, it’s easy to look back and find out what I was doing on that particular day and try to repeat that success.

#5: URL Shortener

Every business needs to use at least one URL shortener service. There are, and many more out there. Some social media management tools like HootSuite or Social Engage come with their own URL shorteners for you to track how effective your tweets are through their platform.

My favorite is Google’s URL shortener, I love the simple design and how easy it is to use. is a great tool that lets you track:

  • The number of people who are clicking on your links
  • The types of browser people use to read your article
  • The countries where they’re from
  • The device or platform they use (this gives you insights into the number of mobile or computer device users) gives you metrics about people clicking your links.

This gives you insights not only about how effective your tweet is, but also about the demographics of your followers or people who are clicking your links.

#6: Klout: How You Influence the World

With regards to Twitter analytics, Klout helps you do two things. The first is improve your content to tweet more about things that your followers are interested in, and the second is maintain relationships with influential users.

Although the measurement of influence is not perfect, you can get some great insights that help you improve your marketing on Twitter. Klout provides a variety of data and insights including:

Klout Moments

This allows you to see your influential tweets in the last 90 days. Here you can get insights about the type and topics of tweets your followers are interested in.

klout moments

Klout moments allow you to find tweets that generated "actions" by your followers.


Who are the influential users who have spent time engaging with you? Klout gives you a list of users who have previously engaged with you arranged according to their Klout scores. This is one way to identify and target influential users who may add more value to your networking.

klout influencers

Klout Influencers will show you a list of influencers arranged according to their Klout scores.


There are many useful Twitter analytics tools out there, but these are some of my favorites. I’ve constantly used them to cover all of my marketing bases.

What do you think? Are there any other tools that you would like included in the list? Join the conversation below and let me hear your thoughts!


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