Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Online Marketing News: Social Media Cheat Sheet, Zuckerberg Wants Privacy, Time Saving GA Reports

Social Media Cheat Sheet

The Social Media Cheat Sheet

This new infographic from SM2 (a social media monitoring platform) provides a handy guide to social media for business.  The infographic provides tips and pitfalls for using the top 9 social networks for business including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

A Valuable Lesson From Randi Zuckerberg: Online Privacy Is Complicated
One mis-click and you may find yourself sharing information or images you had wanted to remain private.  Randi Zuckerberg – sister of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg got a taste of this herself on Christmas day when a personal family photo was accidentally shared publicly.  What advice does she share with other users?  Randi states: “always ask permission before posting a friend’s photo publicly.”  Via Gigaom.

Only 5% Of News Publishers Use The Google News Keyword Meta Tag
In September 2012 Google launched their news keyword meta tag.  This was designed to provide news publishers a better opportunity to rank for words they may not have included in their headlines.  Unfortunately it looks like only a small number of publishers are taking advantage of this opportunity.  Via Search Engine Land.

Facebook Still Top Social Site for Sharing Product Info
As some larger brands put the halt on their Facebook stores earlier in 2012 many began pushing the pause button on their fcommerce strategy.  However, brands can still get substantial benefits from staking their claim in the Facebook social media space.  That is, as long as they have a good understanding of the actions and desires of their fans.  Via eMarketer.

7 Time-Saving Google Analytics Custom Reports
Tired of wasting your time wading through countless Google Analytics reports?  This article shares 7 custom reports that can be created and saved within Google Analytics so you can focus on the metrics that really matter.  Via Search Engine Watch.

TopRank Team News

As it is a holiday week, many of our team members are out enjoying a well earned vacation.  However, I was able to snag some news stories from some of my fellow comrades who have joined me in the office this week.

Sam Giehll – 9 Ways to Ask For (and Get) What You Want
Marketing is all about the art of convincing people that they need something – whether that something is an item, a service, or software. Being able to compartmentalize the different aspects of that desire to buy and address them individually can make you a better marketer. Take a closer look at how to get what you want, in your personal life and your business life, with this post from Psychology Today.

Rob Bayne – Worldwide Social Media Usage Trends in 2012
Social networks continue to integrate more and more into our daily lives.  This article explores the current situation, and the anticipated future situation, across the globe and across different social networks.  Via Search Engine Watch.

Alexis Hall – Study Hints at Long-Term Siri Threat to Google in Mobile
A new study suggests that Siri only answers queries using Google data 30% of the time in iOS6, compared to 60% in iOS5. Siri is more likely to rely to Yelp and the new Apple Maps data to answer local queries. Although the percentage of mobile searched performed from Siri compared to Google is still minuscule, if Apple continues to invest in Siri it could pose a long term threat to Google’s search dominance, particularly in the local space.  Via Search Engine Land.

Time to Weigh In: Do you think as a rule of thumb it’s wise to alert friends before tagging them in Facebook posts? Or should users be more aware of their privacy settings and request all tags be approved in their timeline?  Have you had an opportunity to take advantage of Google’s news keyword meta tag?  If so have you noticed any difference in your searchability?

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