Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Does Apple Need a Bigger Stick - or Charm School?

Apple, in so many ways, is now king of the hill. As such, behind every rock on the Web there seems to be a new charge to knock Apple down. If a competitor isn't charging the hill, Apple seems to be the target for stone-throwing. It's not that this is unexpected; the rise and fall of companies -- and Hollywood starlets -- is commonplace. But does a meteoric rise always require a fall? The questions on my mind these days: Once you're at the top, do you have to change? Must you act differently to stay there? And once you are there, do you have to start playing defense?

Source: http://ectnews.com.feedsportal.com/c/34520/f/632000/s/294eac73/l/0L0Stechnewsworld0N0Crsstory0C77470A0Bhtml/story01.htm

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