Sunday, March 17, 2013

HTC One $100 trade-in deal extended to April 4th

HTC One trade in promo

Not overly impressed with Samsung's latest offering? HTC is here for you. The deal that started last month has been extended -- buy an HTC One and get a $100 Visa gift card when send in your old smartphone. All you have to do is sign up online by the new deadline to qualify for the deal. After you register with HTC by April 4th, just send your HTC One proof of purchase and old phone in to HTC to claim your $100 Visa card. Easy money.

HTC says the extension is due to "overwhelming response" from fans, but we suspect the reported delay in shipments of the phone might also be a factor.

No doubt there were a lot of people waiting for the Galaxy S4 announcement before signing up for any manufacturer promotions. The competition between these two phones is going to be fierce, and a free 100 big ones from HTC is going to make the choice that much more interesting.

More: Complete HTC One previewHTC One forums


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