Thursday, March 21, 2013

YouTube searches are now on Google Trends

YouTube searches are now on Google Trends

Remember that day when you first discovered YouTube, and you wasted approximately 100 percent of your working hours just clicking around? Now, Google's making it even easier to see what was popular back then, all the way back to 2008. Starting now, YouTube searches are surfacing on Google Trends, and some of the top memes are crafting some unsurprising charts. Turns out, Rebecca Black's only known song peaks on a very specific day of the week, while searches for "turkey" videos tend to jump during November. Searches for "Krispy Kreme" and "Froggy Fresh," however, are quite simply off of the charts -- but would you honestly expect anything different from the self-proclaimed Baddest Of Them All?

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Source: YouTube Trends


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