Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fourth of July for Affiliate Marketers: What to Promote

A survey conducted by Visa on Independence Day found that people are expected to spend $300 on the holiday (up from 60% from last year’s $190).

To put that into perspective: the average American parent spends about $271 on Christmas gifts per child.

Now, obviously this all greatly deals on who all is in attendance of the events during the holiday but you, as an affiliate, should see the incredible opportunity present in this situation. People go all out when it comes to celebrating on the Fourth; this post will help give you a few ideas to make the most of the events that follow.

4th of July Affiliate Offers worth Promoting

The Fourth, this year, falls on Thursday which means it will be an extra-long weekend for many individuals that have the opportunity to take some time off; this means that people will not only celebrate during the holiday day but also during the weekend – which means extra opportunity to run promotional campaigns.

Here are but a few of ideas for products, services, and fun items worth promoting on the Fourth:

  • Picnic/BBQ/Beach Items – People will throw down a big rack of ribs, hamburgers, corn on the cob, and all those good items onto the grill. A few items to consider, in this category, could be anything from BBQ grills, decorative banners/plates/silverware for the party, patriotic towels for the beach, and so much more. Keep in mind that BBQ’s and the beach are generally your best direction since nearly everyone will take advantage of the day off to spend time with friends and family around a well cooked meal.
  • Fireworks (of course) – What 4th of July wouldn’t be complete without a heaping pile of fireworks to light up the night? Ordering fireworks online has seen its scrutiny but the options are there and people have turned to the Web to stock up for the celebration. Pair up with a reliable online retailer and begin doing the rounds promoting the great deals on pricing (and if they offer excellent shipping options since the day is getting close).
  • Catering – For those that aren’t able to handle the massive requests for BBQing than catering is the smart option. You could promote these offer under the guise that all the prep work, cooking, and clean up can be frustrating compared to simply ordering food, online, and not having to worry about all the little things throughout the day – they can enjoy the food and, more importantly so, enjoy the time with friends and family rather than being stuck over a stove for grill.
  • Lawn games – No doubt, people will be outside for a good part of the day and it’s only so long until they get antsy and want to get active. Lawn games like lawn darts, throwing darts, bean bag toss, Frisbee, football, horseshoes, potato sack races, and all the others that fall under the category are fairly inexpensive so they have a low barrier for the buyer but they will add up once you gain the volume in your commissions. Consider giving it a try.
  • Flights & Transit – We don’t all have the privilege to live close to our friends and family; many of us will fly, drive, or train it on over to our desired destination. If you have time than piece together your tips for handling the Fourth of July transit and offer the best solutions to interested parties that need to get there on time. Work with the promotions being run by the major transit websites since they’ve already done much of the research for you.

By no means this is a complete list for the Fourth of July holiday but it should kick start your imagination. Go back and look at some of the items you used and activities you participated in during the holiday and begin running your affiliate campaigns. And remember … it’s not just about the products … it’s about the people, our freedom, and the sacrifices to have this opportunity so keep it tasteful, respectful, and helpful.



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